New Prescriptions

Most new prescriptions are submitted electronically to your preferred pharmacy by the end of the day of your appointment. You can confirm if/when your prescription has been submitted and verify which pharmacy we have on file by checking the patient portal.


If you have a prescription that needs to be refilled prior to your next office visit please submit a request through the patient portal. Using the patient portal for refill requests is the most efficient way to ensure the accuracy of the prescription you need refilled.  

Please note, prescribing guidelines often include medication management appointments (aka follow-up visits) between refills. When reviewing your refill request, if it is determined you are due for a follow-up appointment we will reply to your portal message instructing you to schedule the appointment. If your provider determines a refill is appropriate, they will order it once your appointment is complete. 

Schedule II Controlled substances

Some Schedule II substances such as Adderall, Vyvance and Vicodin can be useful for controlling symptoms of ADHD and pain but have a high potential for misuse and are, therefore, closely controlled by local, state, and federal governments. These substances are only prescribed by this practice on a very limited basis and when prescribed, patients must agree to and abide by a Controlled Substance Agreement. Phone requests, early refills or any other action that differ from then the policies described in the Controlled Substance Agreement will not be permitted.